photovoltaic system
photovoltaic system

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The Energy Network and
PV systems in the 21st century

Facing the 21st century, I want to help young people become flexible tostructural
changes, creative, and become familiar with this system. SolarEnergy has a great
potential to support humanity in the 21st century. To build a new network
that will support society in the future, power electronics is very important.
Our researches are the Energy Systems that will support the 21st century
- Solar Energy and New Networks.
----- What's new -------- 
  21 Nov 2011
PPT: "Quake, Tsunami and PV on New Wave in Japan" is avairable.

PPT: "New International Activities Relating to Satandardization in PV Technologies" is avairable.

29 August 2011
PPT: "Energy from the Desert -Extended to SSB Scenario-" is avairable.

1 April 2009
New web server was opened.
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